• Position in the project: MSc student
  • Scientific discipline: Information and communication technologies, electronic engineering
  • Job type (stipend): Scholarship with tax free stipend
  • Number of job offers: up to 5
  • Stipend amount/month: “in total 18000,00 PLN – tax free, i.e. expected net income at 1500,00 PLN/month/person” – the
    stipend is founded by the Foundation for Polish Science under the Team-Tech programme
  • Position starts on: June 1st 2018
  • Maximum period of contract/stipend agreement: 12 months
  • Institution: Gdansk University of Technology
  • Project leader: Michal Mrozowski
  • Project title: EDISOn Electromagnetic Design of designs flexIble SensOrs
  • Project description:
    The goal of the project is to engage young PhDs and students in the development of a software package for fast and accurate simulation-based design of sensing devices and their associated passive circuitry with carefully engineered electromagnetic properties. The software is based on the finite – element method and employs a unique mesh deformation technique and model order reduction to enable fast optimization

Key responsibilities include:
1. Depending on the topic of an MSc project –
a. for “hardware” MSc projects – design of a microwave device (sensor/multiport structure/antenna) using InventSIM software
followed by the fabrication and measurements,
b. for “software” projects – development of prototype code (to be made publicly available under a permissive open source
license), testing and benchmarking of algorithms and procedures;
2. Report writing – in English (at least one in 2 months);
3. Selecting the topic of the MSc thesis related to the Edison project.

Profile of candidates/requirements:
1. An MSc student with interest in passive microwave devices (sensors, antennas) scientific software development, computing
computational electromagnetics (a topic of the MSc thesis to be selected will have to be aligned with the scope of the Edison
2. Programming in Matlab – at last basic for “hardware” project and good for “software” projects (other languages such as C++,
C# or Python are also welcome but not essential for some topics);
3. Good command of English;
4. Depending on the MSc project – average or above average scores in courses in microwave or antenna engineering, circuit
design, electromagnetics, mathematics, numerical methods or programming;

Required documents:
1. Cover letter (in English) clearly explaining:
a. why you are applying for a scholarship;
b. what your interests are;
c. which MSc projects you are interested in, and why, and what skills you already have or intend to develop while working on
the master’s project (please give the score (mark) you obtained in the courses that you think are relevant for the projects
you are interested in);
d. your achievements to date or extracurricular activities you have been engaged in (in college or high school);
e. your plans and goals after obtaining the MSc degree;
f. your strong and weak points;
g. description of other activities you are currently involved in or plan to get involved in the next 15 months (eg. part-time job,
internship etc.);
2. CV with the description of particular skills or achievements related to the scope of the project – in CV please provide the
information regarding the average mark of all exams taken during BSc studies, and the final mark;
3. Copies of publications/student project/certificates (if you have any);
4. A copy of the BSc thesis.

Please submit the following documents to: delver to the office of the Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, room 712.

Application deadline: May 18th, 2018

For more details about the project please visit (English)

For the list of topics of the MSc projects offered please visit: – in Polish

Please include in your offer:

“I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922 as amended.”